Duc, Sparky, & Whitesheepie: The Legendary BCS Crew
On today’s episode, I interviewed Duc, Sparky, and Whitesheepie. These three are long-time friends and members of the Brawlhalla community. Whitesheepie is currently the Lead Producer over at Brawlhalla where she organizes what the team is working on. Duc and Sparky are well known as one of the premier casting duos for Brawlhalla esports.
Brawlhalla Origins is presented by Brawl Academy. Brawl Academy will provide the most advanced and detailed Brawlhalla courses and coaching, specifically meant for helping beginner-level players get to Diamond. Brawl Academy is currently in a closed private beta and expected to launch to the public in early 2024, but if you want help quickly replay reviews and coaching are now available. Sign up over at brawlacademy.com for more info. And with that, on with the show.
Creators and Guests

Founder @ Brawl Academy. Former Competitive Brawlhalla player, focused on helping the next generation of players level up.

The most electrifying man in @ProBrawlhalla. Duck Dynasty The Game speedrun world record holder. Host of Spitfire feat. your favorite Brawlhalla players.